Annual General Meeting 2023 Saturday 25 November 10:00 am
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Trust and presentation of the Annual Reports will be held this weekend. Details are as follows: When: Saturday 25 November 2023 Time: 10:00 am Where: The Distinction Rotorua Hotel & Conference Centre 390 Fenton Street, Rotorua. Confirmation of membership status will open from 9:00 am-9:50 am Agenda is as follows:
Karakia Timatanga
Minutes of previous AGM
Presentation of annual reports
General Business
Karakia Whakamutanga
For further information call 0508 Manuhiri (62684474) or email
A copy of the annual reports and relevant documentation is available for inspection on the YourIwi website for current, validated, registered members seven days prior to the AGM. This will be located under the resources - document section.
We have recently started using a new database and communications system called YourIwi.
YourIwi is an online tool which connects iwi, hapū, and their members in one place. Each member will have an online dashboard where you will be able to view important information and importantly, if your address or contact details have changed, you will now be able to update these details yourself easily through YourIwi.
As a registered member of Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Trust, you are invited to complete your YourIwi account to access the AGM documentation by typing in the following address:
You will be asked for your name and membership ID, which was sent to you with your voting packs in August.
For more information on YourIwi, you can visit the FAQ section on the YourIwi website:
If you are having problems logging in, or do not know your membership ID please contact our registration officer providing your full name, DOB, and address by emailing and we can assist you.