After months and months of advocacy, submissions, and opposition by the Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Trust and others to a resource consent application to continue and increase sand mining activities off the coast of Pākiri, a decision was reached by the three environmental commissioners to refuse the application.
This is a huge win for the Trust who act on behalf of the hapū and look after the interests of the Ngāti Manuhiri members.
As Chairman Mook Hohneck says, ”Sand miners have been mining off the coast of Pākiri for over thirty years and the environmental and cultural impacts to the moana and our hapū have been significant albeit our iwi, Ngati Wai Trust Board, and Omaha marae have received direct proceeds from sand mining as the Trust representing the hapū of Ngāti Manuhiri, we have not”
The Trust supported and worked alongside community groups, Te Whānau ō Pākiri and Friends of Pākiri to champion the cause and stop the impact of sand mining to the moana and taiao.
Trustee Ringi Brown says, ”this is a very good result for our whānau who have been concerned and our hapu of Ngāti Manuhiri who are the most affected”
Over 20 submissions were received opposing the application and the Trust committed significant resources to ensure that Ngāti Manuhiri had a strong defense to address the issues at hand.
Trustee Vern Rosieur says, “the Trust is committed to ensuring that we had the best legal advice and cultural support to represent the needs of our hapu and we are pleased with the decision”.
The Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Trust will continue to keep a close eye on the applicant and any possible or potential appeals that may arise from this judgment.
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