Ngāti Manuhiri exercise Mana Motuhake over taonga and rohe
Status: Current
Tuia ki te rangi, Tuia ki te papa
Tuia ki te moana, Tuia tātou
E rongo te pō, E rongo te ao
Haumi e, Hui e, Tāiki e!
The Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Trust, Mana Whenua ō Tāmaki, have placed a rāhui from Te Taumutu Point Omaha sand spit to the entrance of the Whangateau harbour to Ti Point.

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What does this mean for you?
A rāhui (physical and spiritual mechanism) sets a temporary prohibition around the rāhui area and a person must not take cockle or pipi from the Whangateau Harbour or possess cockle or pipi taken from the Whangateau Harbour, while this notice is in force.
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Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Trust