Kia ora!
Our Warkworth office is closed with all office based staff working from home due to the impacts and uncertainty of Tropical Cyclone Gabrielle.
Important Information from Auckland Emergency Management:
📢 Civil Defence Centres and Shelter sites open from 7pm.
Auckland Emergency Management teams are working hard to get the 26 Civil Defence Centres and Shelter sites open in time for the arrival of the weather system overnight.
The centres will be open and staffed from 7pm Sunday 12 February.
ℹ️ For more information about getting ready for the cyclone and find out the locations of the CDCs and Welfare Centres, visit
⛈️ Major storms and cyclones can cause widespread power outages, leaving people facing days without essential household needs.
1️⃣ Here are some things to do before a potential power outage:
💡🔨 Arrange some supplies you may need in a power outage, e.g., some long-lasting food that doesn’t need cooking (unless you have a camping stove or gas barbecue), a torch and some batteries, and some blankets and warm clothes.
💡 💊 If you rely on electricity for a medical device, reach out to your healthcare and electricity provider and arrange a back-up power supply or contingency plan.
2️⃣ If your home loses power, here are some things to consider:
💡📻 Listen to the radio for up-to-date news and advice. If you don’t have a battery-operated radio, perhaps listen in your car
💡 🔥 Only use fireplaces that have been safety checked, follow the manufacturer’s advice when using gas heaters, NEVER use outdoor gas heaters inside or try to use your BBQ for heating.
💡☕ Boil water on your camp stove or BBQ for hot water bottles, wear extra layers of clothing and use extra blankets, close internal doors and curtains to retain heat.
💡 ❌ Take care with food from your fridge and freezer to avoid food poisoning and manage spoilage issues. After more than two days without power, perishable foods may not be safe to eat.
For more information on coping with a power outage, check out the e-brochure at